Hati2 dengan scam di facebook...

Selamat malam,

Tgh layan bola Piala Suzuki AFF 2010, antara Malaysia dengan Vietnam, sesambil tu berblog dan layan anak teruna yg sibuk mengusik alat solek kakaknya ni, facebook plak memang tak aktif tapi selalu buka jer, tgk update dari kawan2 dan sesekali chatting, dan kekadang chatting ngan hubby walau duk nya hanya sebelah menyebelah jer :0)

Facebook sekarang ni pun dah tukar rupa profile kan, bagi saya lakan saya lagi suka bentuk yg lama, tah la rasa yg baru ni cam kureng sikit, choppp bukan nak buat entry pasal profil tu pun , hihihi langsung lari dari tajuk entry la kan kalau nak membebel pasal profil tu, ni ha nak story, tadi masa belek2 status kawan2 tu tetiba terpandang satu status ni, statusnya sy dah print screen, leh tgk kat bawah ni:

Mula2 tu terpikat jugak la, betul ker pompuan tu bunuh diri lepas ayah dia post something kat wall, nak tahu jugak la apa benda la yg ayah dia tuliskan, tetiba jer bila klik kat link dan terbuka jer tab baru tgk2 dia minta klik lagi, bila dah klik tetiba jer kuar minta kebenaran nak access info profile kita, bila dah jadi camtu terus, closed tab jer la malas nak layan dah, tapi masih jugak tak puas hati, google la plak, dan hasil nya sampai la kat satu web ni (nakedsecurity.sophos.com)..

Rupanya ni la cara baru nak scam maklumat peribadi kita kat facebook tu...nasib la tak rajin nak klik tadi..antara petikan kat web nakedsecurity.sophos.com tu bleh baca kat bawah ni:

This article (ie, Girl Killed herself after dad posted on wall) was first posted in September 2010, but continues to receive a high amount of traffic as malicious scammers continue to use the story of a girl killing herself to spread their campaigns across Facebook. The scams use a variety of techniques and variations of the disguises to maximise their chances of tricking people into taking surveys or handing over personal information.
 ......a new spin on a Facebook scam, that claims a girl killed herself on Christmas Eve after her dad posted a message on her wall. Before we've documented both the related hoax warnings spread on Facebook, as well as scam pages that popped up trying to trick users into "liking" them, and the truth about the real woman's death that has been exploited by heartless cybercriminals.

The latest scam is spreading virally, tricking users into liking pages which claim to offer you access to the "horrific wall post" that allegedly made a girl kill herself on Christmas Eve.
Girl killed herself, after her dad posted this to her wall
Girl killed herself, after her dad posted This to her Wall
If you click on the link then you are taken to a Facebook page which says you have to like it in order to view the father's alleged message. In some cases, the page will use clickjacking techniques to trick you into sharing the page as a status update with your online friends, but the end result is the same - you'll be directed to a webpage which asks you to complete a survey.
And that's what makes money for the scammers who create these pages.
Girl killed herself, Facebook page

 Kalau nak tahu lebih lagi google la tak pun pergi ke web nakedsecurity.sophos.com ni, apa2 pun yg kita buat elok berhati2 kan....


  1. tak pernah klik benda2 yg pelik..nmpk pelik sket je mmng tak bukak..huhuhu..selalunya tnya dgn kawan2 yg pernah buat, apa dia video tu


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