Kenapa Wordless Wednesday bukan tuesday atau hari-hari lainnya?

Bila hari rabu jer ramai bloggers yg buat entry wordless wednesday. Dulu pelik jugak bila first time tengok tajuk entry yg ada perkataan wordless wednesday ni. Masa tu terfikir jugak " apa ke halnya rata-rata guna tajuk yang hampir sama di hari rabu".

Pastu bila baca maksud di sebalik Wordless Wednesday ni:
On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it doesn’t need any description.
Wordless Wednesday (WW) is a visual blogosphere phenomenon. Whereas blogs (web journals) are primarily about "words" bloggers love to dress their journal entries with imagery. WW is a simple blog post featuring a photo which conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words. However, there are no specific rules about WW posts so a few (and sometimes, many) words may accompany a photo or image that is the focus of a WW blog entry.

Baru la tahu, wordless wednesday ni kira trends dikalangan bloggers serata dunia. Tapi still jugak terfikir:

  • Kenapa perlu wednesday ? 
  • Apa reasons disebalik pemilihan hari rabu? 
  • Kenapa tak wordless friday atau wordless sunday ?
  • Hari-hari lain tu tak sesuai ke nak dijadikan entry wordless ni?

Adakah sebab:
  • Cam best jer sebab 2 perkataan tu dimulai dengan huruf yg sama (Wordless Wednesday)
  • Cam kena jer bila wordless disatukan dengan wednessday, cam sehati sejiwa gitu
  • Wednesday atau hari rabu adalah yang duk ditengah ( the middle of the weeks)

Siapa tahu sila la jawab...


  1. amie bc pun sebab sedap kak WW.worldwide.taktau ler kut2 ada reason yg laen..

  2. munna blm pernah lagi buat entry menggunakaan perkataan ini..

  3. hoho..puan tanah dah jawab soalan beta. tenkiu2.
    tapi tapi tapi, ari tu juge le kawe suka post entri. ari yg tengah2. ah, pedulik hape. haku punya suka ler, hahaha...kwang3..

  4. Blogwalking...

    Interesting info, tak tau pulak ada trend mcm ni. I'm betting on the first reason you gave - sebab bunyi sedap kot. Just like Freaky Friday.


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