Budak perempuan 2 tahun dilanggar oleh 2 kereta

Kesian.. tak sanggup tengok, sedih, tak de peri kemanusiaan sungguh, buat macam budak tu anak patung je...Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!

Korang tengok la sendiri video budak perempuan 2 tahun yang dilanggar oleh 2 biji kereta dan dibiarkan terbaring oleh 18 orang yang lalu berhampiran.

(Shocking Video) 2-year-old female child ran over by car (twice!!), 18 passersby ignore her.

Synopsis: October 13th afternoon around 5:30, a car accident occurred at the Guangfo Hardware Market in Huangqi of Foshan. A van hit a 2-year-old little girl and then fled. No passersby reached out to help and then another car ran over her. Over the span of 7 minutes, a total of 17 people passing by failed to extend a hand or call the police, up until the 19th person, a garbage scavenger ayi [older woman], who lifted her up after discovering her but the little girl in her arms was like a noodle, immediately collapsing back onto the ground. The trash scavenger ayi called for help, and the little girl's mother, who was in the vicinity, immediately rushed over and rushed her to the hospital.The news report video above has been viewed nearly 700k times on popular Chinese video-sharing website Youku since it was uploaded 17 hours ago and currently has over 6200 comments spanning 210 pages. This story is also spreading on China's popular microblogging service Sina Weibo in addition to receiving a lot of views and comments on China's major internet news portals and communities.

 In addition to showing the little girl, Yue Yuem being run over twice and many of the bystanders who didn't stop to help her, it also shows that Yue Yue is currently in the hospital in critical condition. Police have already found the second driver but have yet to find the first driver as they were unable to read the first van's license plate and are calling upon witnesses for help. Yue Yue's parents are also shown.


  1. sangat kejam..org yang tengok pun wat tak tau jek...siannyer budak tu...skang manusia dah tak de perasaan agaknyer...

  2. dah tgk dah tadi, tak sanggup rasanya..kenapalah diaorang ni buta mata dan hati

  3. huwaaaaa!!!
    luluh hati aku wey....

  4. sedehhhhhhhhhhhh pagi2 tadi tgk video ni n nangesss..tersentuh sgt...kalau la dpt 18 org kt situ memang amik batu rejam aja depa...pemndu van tu bakooo aja

  5. hari ni pasal budak pompuan kelar bayi pulak..manusia dah lebih teruk dari binatang..

  6. huhuhu...sedih tgk video tu kat tv3 semalam...

  7. sadisnya manusa....geram, marah, sedih semua ada bila tgk video ni...hati batu semuanya yg melihat budak tu mcm tu aje

  8. yg mule2 gilis budak tuuu sgt2 laa kejam..dh tau dh gilis, then boleh plak pijak lg skali dgn tayar blakang..org laen p0n maen tgk j, xbenti lgsg :(

  9. Ya Allah...seyes,mmg bergenang air mata masa tgok vedeo ni kat tv3 smlm..smpai ati nyer diorg2 tu kan?mane la diorg letak'n perasaan kemanusiaan tu..walhal mangsa adalah kanak2 kecil yg mmg sdg bertarung nyawa menahan kesakitan..Ya Allah..mmg sdey gile..mudah2n mangsa cpt sembuh dan sht ceria spt kanak2 lain..ameen~


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